
Follow me as I go through the Pottermore experience!

Friday, September 2, 2011

I'm In!!!

FINALLY!!! 32 days after completing the Magical Quill Challenge, I am in Pottermore!

I was able to go through the first four chapters in 'Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone', but once I got to chapter five 'Diagon Alley' section two 'Harry and Hagrid Visit Gringotts' I get the message:

"Be patient, this page will be unlocked very soon. Parts of the experience are locked so that the story is not spoiled for you."

Seriously? I read 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone' 11 years ago. What's to spoil?

UPDATE:(after 24 hours of frustration)
Pottermore tip: When you get to Chapter 5, Moment 1 (Diagon Alley), zoom in once, and pick up your list. That will unlock the next moment.

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